
Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Happy Birthday From Mom

13 Haziran 2022, 12:33
Happy Birthday From MomI had finished high school and was getting ready to turn nineteen. Mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told her I would have to think about it as my birthday was still a month away. Dad was working out of town alot and this was making mom and I get closer. Mom liked to drink wine in the evenings to unwind and sometimes she would drink too much. We would sit out on the deck or in the hot tub and drink and talk. The more mom drunk the more she wanted to talk about sex. This night mom drank alot and went straight to sex. She asked me to tell her about my first time at sex, I told mom to go first and proceeded to tell me how her first time was when she fifteen and with a girls father at some big party. I could not believe that my mom had sex with a guy old enough to be her dad. Mom went into great detail about how he ate her out and came inside her twice and then she never saw him again. She talked so much about herself she never got back to me which was fine as I was still a virgin. I am short and fat, about five foot two and 170 pounds. My pecker is only about five inches. I do not have alot of women lining up to fuck me. Mom is built the same way I am queenbet güvenilirmi ( but listening to her talk she got plenty of action in her teenage years. We continued to have our talks and I was able to keep mom talking about herself. It was alot of fun to hear how mom had one night stands and was proud that she never used a condom as she claimed it was the good old days. Mom said she loved the feel of men blowing their loads into her. Mom even told me about some group action she and her friends had. Mom had figured that she had been with over a hundred and fifty men. About a week before my birthday I had to fess up to mom and tell her that I had never had sex. I told her that I had not even gotten close, never seen a live woman naked. Nothing. Mom seemed so shocked by this. Mom was disappointed that I had not been plowing thru hundreds of pussies over my high school years-spewing gallons of jizz into the wombs of women. Dad had come home but needed to be gone over my birthday. My birthday was on a friday night and mom took me out to eat. We had a great time and mom drank way too much. She kept telling me she had a special surprise for me when we got home. queenbet yeni giriş ( We got home and mom could hardly walk into the house she was so drunk. We got in and she said we should get into the hot tub. I went to get my suit on and got into the tub and waited for mom. Mom came out buck naked. Her small boobs and hairy bush all on display. Mom jumped into the tub and started to rub on me. Mom said that she felt bad that I had not been with a woman and that she did think that was right so she said I could fuck her all I wanted for the weekend. She said we were consenting adults and that there is nothing wrong with adults having sex. I told mom that it was not right for us to fuck but I apprciate the offer. Mom then got out of tub and spread her pussy lips showing me her pink hole. She then bent over showing her cute little peach from behind. My cock was rock hard and I was thinking hard about what harm would come from porking my mom, I mean who would know. Mom kept flirting and teasing me keeping me rock hard and she had a few more drinks. She then needed help to get to her bed. I helped her to the bed and she flopped down face first with her legs spread wide. queenbet giriş ( The light was on so I had a great view of her wet pussy. I stuck my finger into her wet snatch and twirled it around and pulled it out and smelled it. Moms pussy felt great around my finger and smelled even better. She was passed clean out and I decided that it would not hurt to stick my cock in her for a minute or two. She had given me unlimited access to her pussy afterall. So I dropped my suit and got behind her and slid my cock in. Mom's pussy felt so incredible. I moved around inside her for about minute and then I felt my cock about to explode. I pushed deep into her and let loose a huge sticky load filling mom's pussy full. I pulled out and sat there thinking about what I had just done and how good it felt to finally fuck a woman. I looked at mom's pussy and my spunk was trickling out of her gaping cunt. My cock got hard again and I rolled mom over and mounted her a second time. This time I lasted a little longer before blowing another load into her. I laid down next to mom and went to sleep. The next morning I awoke to mom giving me head, I blew my load in her mouth and she swallowed it then she wanted me to fuck her which I did this time we both came together. I fucked mom as much as I could until my dad came home. As soon as he went away again we were back to fucking again. Mom and I had become fuck buddies whenever dad was not around. It was the best birthday present ever!