
Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : The Roommate

16 Mayıs 2023, 21:04
Winter time in the Midwest could be a real drag. The weather was cold, often, accompanied by an certain dampness that scored right down to your very bones. Finding ways to entertain yourself could be just as difficult and vexing. My roommate and I sat silently in our living room of our simple apartment. Mina sat at the end of the couch staring out the window, her chin resting upon her palm. We had been discussing ideas of what to do this evening for entertainment. By the look of the roads we weren't leaving the apartment. The plow trucks hadn't even passed yet. Simultaneously we both let out exasperated sighs. What to do?Mina gave me a brief glance accompanied by her warm smile. I returned the expression in full. My thoughts briefly returning back to how we became roomies. It was earlier this previous autumn. We had met when she had started working at the same diner as a waitress. Once we started talking we came to find out that we also attended the same community college together.Mina and I hit it off immediately. Her interests mirrored my own with the exception of a few, slight, differences. Mina had alsancak escort ( an incredible personality, not unlike my own. She had this small town "girl next door" way about her.*Her hair is blond and long, reaching to her mid back. Her eyes were an alluring green with just an tad bit of brown. She also was the kind of girl that looked incredible in an assortment of colors when it came to clothing. Mina was to put it bluntly, an girly girl. She was good at hairstyles and applying make up. I, on the other hand, wasn't quite as comparable in that way. I was more stockier that she was. I was slightly taller and had a more endowed chest. Though she had an appealing rack, size C. I am the yin to her yang, so to speak. Where she is light and colorful, I preferred dark shades, especially black. My hair is dark brown, often dyed black with streaks of bold colors like blue, pink, etc. My eyes are hazel with one eye actually lighter than the other. Don't misunderstand me, my personality is exactly like hers. I just prefer an darker lifestyle. It suites me, quite well may I add. alsancak escort bayan ( Both of us had grown up in small rural towns, being humble was part of the package deal. I observed the way Mina sat across from me, the slight rise and fall of her chest the only sign that she wasn't an figment of my imagination. Secretly, I'd always admired Mina. Over time that admiration had developed into a full out crush. Often I fantasized about what it would be like to hold her. To run my hands up and down her supple, soft, skin. How it would be to kiss those small, pouty, lips. Unfortunately, I never could sum up the nerve to bring my feelings to her attention. I was seriously losing out, I knew. I just didn't want to ruin what we already had, which was a incredible friendship.Mina had an array of admirers. She was always going on dates with different guys. Yet, she never went on more than two dates with any one given man. I guess she was particular, but I never put much thought into it. Mina was her own woman and I wasn't going to nag her about what she chose to do. I would Escort alsancak ( be lying though if I said I didn't find a bit of solace every time she let down an date. Not that I didn't want her happy. It was more out of the thought that each time they failed it was one more chance for me. Since I never came forward, I knew sooner or later my chances were going to run out. I had to surface, and soon, or I might not ever reveal how I really feel about her. I had been so lost in thought that I was stunned with embarrassed surprise when I looked up to see Mina staring at me.I attempted to look away, nonchalantly, but felt my cheeks flush. When I dared to look back at her she was also looking away. A shy smile on her lips and her cheeks also flushed pink. I was surprised when Mina rose up off the couch and said she had an idea. I watched, curiously, as she walked away into the kitchen. After a few minutes of the sound of clinking glass and liquid being poured, Mina reappears. In each hand she is holding one of our preferred cocktails. Handing me my, designated, glass she holds hers up in a solute. Bottoms up! Our first drinks go down slow, as we acclimate to the taste. The following glasses, however, become easier and easier. Soon we are both flushed and buzzed. The carefree feeling from the alcohol is welcoming to us both.We attempted to watch our favorite sitcoms, but became caught up in conversation instead.